検索結果: 65 件 うち1~65件目を表示
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
11教-09-口-05 保育者志望の学生が持つ基本の運動動作に関する知識と技術 日本体育学会大会予稿集 | |
斉藤 雅記(教育学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
自ら運動させるための行動科学的アプローチ 日本体育学会大会予稿集 | |
上地 広昭(教育学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.02.21 |
Preparation of Human Primary Colon Tissue-Derived Organoid Using Air Liquid Interface Culture Current Protocols in Toxicology | |
T. Usui, M. Sakurai, K. Umata, H. Yamawaki, T. Ohama and K. Sato(共同獣医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Morphological and molecular genetic characterization of Kudoa konishiae n. sp. (Myxosporea: Multivalvulida) in the muscle of Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) Parasitology Research | |
Sakai, H., Kato, E., Sakaguchi, S., Setsuda, A., Sato, H.(共同獣医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against canine PD-1 and PD-L1 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology | |
Nemoto, Y., Shosu, K., Okuda, M., Noguchi, S., Mizuno, T.(共同獣医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017.12.19 |
Behavioral heterogeneity affects individual performances in experimental and computational lowest unique integer games Frontiers in Physics | |
Yamada, T.(国際総合科学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Proposal of product system modeling methodology in SDSI-Cubic method Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging | |
Kawamura, K., Murata, H., Sakamoto, T., Satoh, R., Iwata, Y., Arai, E., Okamoto, K.(技術経営研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Seventh International Conference on Flood Management 参加報告 水文・水資源学会誌 | |
今村 能之,池内 寛明,岡本 俊彦,田中 耕司,小池 俊雄,池内 幸司,石渡 幹夫,宮本 守,一言 正之,山崎 大,平林 由希子(大学研究推進機構) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
Identification of the Levulinate Dehydratase (ALAD) gene polymorphism and whole blood hemoglobin in the students of elementary school in Kalideres, Jakarta, Indonesia Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences | |
Puspitaningrum, R., Adhiyanto, C., Firdausi, A., Sartono, N., Amelia, R., Ferania, M., 服部 幸夫., Yamashiro, Y., Bagaskorowati, R., Muktar, S.(事務局) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
鋼木質複合構造システムに適合するCLT床接合部の面内せん断実験 日本建築学会技術報告集 | |
藤田 正則,大瀧 麻世,大越 友樹,菊池 剛和,小谷野 一尚,岩田 衛(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Different mechanisms of Trichoderma virens-mediated resistance in tomato against Fusarium wilt involve the jasmonic and salicylic acid pathways Molecular Plant Pathology | |
S. Jogaiah, M. Abdelrahman, L. P. Tran and S. I. Ito(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Aldopentoses as new substrates for the membrane-bound, pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent glycerol (polyol) dehydrogenase of Gluconobacter sp Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | |
T. Yakushi, Y. Terada, S. Ozaki, N. Kataoka, Y. Akakabe, O. Adachi, M. Matsutani and K. Matsushita(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.21 |
Enhanced Photosensitized Hydrogen Production by Encapsulation of Ferrocenyl Dyes into Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Journal of the American Chemical Society | |
N. Murakami, H. Miyake, T. Tajima, K. Nishikawa, R. Hirayama and Y. Takaguchi(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017.04 |
Interface shear strength between geosynthetic clay liner and covering soil on the embankment of an irrigation pond and stability evaluation of its widened sections Soils and Foundations | |
Suzuki, M., Koyama, A., Kochi, Y., Urabe, T.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Black Liquor Xylan by a Novel Xylose-Tolerant, Thermostable β-Xylosidase from a Tropical Strain of Aureobasidium pullulans CBS 135684 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | |
Bankeeree, W., Akada, R., Lotrakul, P., Punnapayak, H., Prasongsuk, S.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.05.04 |
On H-supplemented modules over a right perfect ring Communications in Algebra | |
Kikumasa, I., Kuratomi, Y.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Tightness Results for Infinite-Slit Limits of the Chordal Loewner Equation Computational Methods and Function Theory | |
del Monaco, A., Hotta, I., Schleißinger, S.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Photo-induced H2evolution from water: Via the dissociation of excitons in water-dispersible single-walled carbon nanotube sensitizers Chemical Communications | |
Ishimoto, K., Tajima, T., Miyake, H., Yamagami, M., Kurashige, W., Negishi, Y., Takaguchi, Y.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase is involved in volatile phenylacetaldehyde production in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) flowers Plant Biotechnology | |
Koeduka, T., Fujita, Y., Furuta, T., Suzuki, H., Tsuge, T., Matsui, K.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.07.12 |
Preliminary study on the feasibility of using a zeolite A membrane in a membrane reactor for methanol production Separation and Purification Technology | |
Gorbe, J., Lasobras, J., Francés, E., Herguido, J., Menéndez, M., Kumakiri, I., Kita, H.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
The undrained shear strength of soft clay reinforced with group encapsulated lime bottom ash columns International Journal of GEOMATE | |
Hasan, M., Jusoh, W.N.W., Chee, W.S., Hyodo, M.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Hermite expansions of some tempered distributions Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications | |
Chihara, H., Furuya, T., Koshikawa, T.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.02 |
In-plain shear test of joint of CLT floor adapting CSTS system AIJ Journal of Technology and Design | |
Fujita, M., Otaki, M., Okoshi, Y., Kikuchi, T., Koyano, K., Iwata, M.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Solvation-controlled lithium-ion complexes in a nonflammable solvent containing ethylene carbonate: Structural and electrochemical aspects Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | |
Sogawa, M., Kawanoue, H., Todorov, Y.M., Hirayama, D., Mimura, H., Yoshimoto, N., Morita, M., Fujii, K.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
On representations of error terms related to the derivatives for some dirichlet series Illinois Journal of Mathematics | |
Furuya, J., Minamide, T.M., Tanigawa, Y.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Redox active glyme-li salt solvate ionic liquids based on tetrabromoferrate(III) Electrochemistry | |
Kemmizaki, Y., Tsutsumi, H., Ueno, K.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.06.01 |
Image analysis for the detection and quantification of concrete bugholes in a tunnel lining Case Studies in Construction Materials | |
Yoshitake, I., Maeda, T., Hieda, M.(創成科学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.08 |
Identification of factors that accelerate hydrogen production by Clostridium butyricum RAK25832 using casamino acids as a nitrogen source International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
Aly, S.S., Imai, T., Hassouna, M.S., Kim Nguyen, D.-M., Higuchi, T., Kanno, A., Yamamoto, K., Akada, R., Sekine, M.(理工学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
A Novel Sleep Respiratory Rate Detection Method for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Based on Characteristic Moment Waveform Journal of Healthcare Engineering | |
Fang, Y., Jiang, Z., Wang, H.(理工学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Amorphous gallium oxide grown by low-temperature PECVD Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films | |
Kobayashi, E., Boccard, M., Jeangros, Q., Rodkey, N., Vresilovic, D., Hessler-Wyser, A., Döbeli, M., Franta, D., De Wolf, S., Morales-Masis, M., Ballif, C.(理工学研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
Localized Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy Complicated With Shower Emboli Originating From Apical Intramural Thrombi Circulation Journal | |
Ishiguchi Hironori,Kobayashi Shigeki,Okuda Shinichi,Okamura Takayuki,Okada Munemasa,Takemura Genzou,Takahashi Masaya,Mikamo Akihito,Hamano Kimikazu,Yano Masafumi(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018 |
無汗(低汗)性外胚葉形成不全症の診療手引き 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 | |
日本皮膚科学会「無汗(低汗)性外胚葉形成不全症診療手引き」作成委員会,宗次 太吉,中里 良彦,室田 浩之,佐藤 貴浩,朝比奈 正人,下村 裕,新関 寛徳,藤本 智子,横関 博雄(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Delayed-onset heat intolerance in a Japanese patient with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia associated with a large deletion involving four genes The Journal of Dermatology | |
H. Niizeki, R. Hayashi, Y. Naiki, K. Yoshida, R. Tanaka, A. Shimizu, H. Terashima, N. Isogawa, R. Abe and Y. Shimomura(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
High-dose methotrexate therapy significantly improved survival of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a phase III study by JALSG Leukemia | |
T. Sakura, F. Hayakawa, I. Sugiura, T. Murayama, K. Imai, N. Usui, S. Fujisawa, T. Yamauchi, T. Yujiri, K. Kakihana, Y. Ito, H. Kanamori, Y. Ueda, Y. Miyata, M. Kurokawa, N. Asou, K. Ohnishi, S. Ohtake, Y. Kobayashi, K. Matsuo, H. Kiyoi, Y. Miyazaki and T. Naoe(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Mechanisms of motor learning mediated by synaptic plasticity in rat primary motor cortex Neuroscience Research | |
H. Kida and D. Mitsushima(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Epidemiological survey of patients with psoriasis in Matsumoto city, Nagano Prefecture, Japan The Journal of Dermatology | |
E. Ogawa, R. Okuyama, T. Seki, A. Kobayashi, N. Oiso, M. Muto, H. Nakagawa and A. Kawada(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Hemobilia immediately after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using drug-eluting beads for hepatocellular carcinoma with intrahepatic bile duct invasion Hepatology Research | |
M. Nishi, I. Saeki, T. Yamasaki, M. Maeda, T. Hisanaga, T. Iwamoto, T. Matsumoto, I. Hidaka, T. Ishikawa, T. Takami and I. Sakaida(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.15 |
Dermatomyositis Complicated by Digital Ischemia and Lung Adenocarcinoma in a Patient with Positive Anti-signal Recognition Particle Antibodies Internal Medicine | |
T. Nawata, M. Kubo, H. Mitsui, K. Oishi, M. Omoto, T. Kanda and M. Yano(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Prognostic significance of disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with heat stroke in a nationwide registry Journal of Critical Care | |
T. Hifumi, Y. Kondo, J. Shimazaki, Y. Oda, S. Shiraishi, M. Wakasugi, J. Kanda, T. Moriya, M. Yagi, M. Ono, T. Kawahara, M. Tonouchi, H. Yokota, Y. Miyake and K. Shimizu(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.02.08 |
Altered Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate and the Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus in a Longitudinal Study of Later-life Depression Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | |
K. Harada, T. Ikuta, M. Nakashima, T. Watanuki, M. Hirotsu, T. Matsubara, H. Yamagata, Y. Watanabe and K. Matsuo(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017.01.22 |
Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life Medical Gas Research | |
K. Mizuno, A. T. Sasaki, K. Ebisu, K. Tajima, O. Kajimoto, J. Nojima, H. Kuratsune, H. Hori and Y. Watanabe(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Lifelong learning and professional practice Nursing and Health Sciences | |
R. McMaster, V. Lopez and M. Cleary(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.05 |
Increasing undergraduate nursing students' cultural competence: an evaluation study Global Health Research and Policy | |
W. Liu, T. E. Stone and R. McMaster(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04.01 |
Low invasiveness of thoracoscopic esophagectomy in the prone position for esophageal cancer: a propensity score-matched comparison of operative approaches between thoracoscopic and open esophagectomy Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques | |
Kanekiyo, S., Takeda, S., Tsutsui, M., Nishiyama, M., Kitahara, M., Shindo, Y., Tokumitsu, Y., Tomochika, S., Tokuhisa, Y., Iida, M., Sakamoto, K., Suzuki, N., Yamamoto, S., Yoshino, S., Hazama, S., Ueno, T., Nagano, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Indocyanine green angiography findings of cystoid macular edema secondary to paclitaxel therapy Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology | |
Nomi, N., Ota, M., Fukumura, M., Nuno, Y., Hatano, M., Wakuta, M., Yanai, R., Kimura, K.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
A phase I study for adjuvant chemotherapy of gemcitabine plus S-1 in patients with biliary tract cancer undergoing curative resection without major hepatectomy (KHBO1202) Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology | |
Yanagimoto, H., Toyokawa, H., Sakai, D., Wada, H., Satoi, S., Yamamoto, T., Nagano, H., Toyoda, M., Ajiki, T., Satake, H., Tsuji, A., Miyamoto, A., Tsujie, M., Takemura, S., Yanagihara, K., Ioka, T.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Effects of pemafibrate, a novel selective PPARa modulator, on lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertriglyceridemia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial Diabetes Care | |
Araki, E., Yamashita, S., Arai, H., Yokote, K., Satoh, J., Inoguchi, T., Nakamura, J., Maegawa, H., Yoshioka, N., Tanizawa, Y., Watada, H., Suganami, H., Ishibashi, S.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Biological Behavior and Long-Term Outcomes of Carcinoma In Situ in Upper Urinary Tract Managed by Radical Nephroureterectomy Journal of Urology | |
Inamoto, T., Matsuyama, H., Ibuki, N., Komura, K., Takahara, K., Fujimoto, K., Shiina, H., Sakano, S., Nagao, K., Miyake, M., Tatsumi, Y., Yasumoto, H., Azuma, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Proposed diagnostic criteria for acute-on-chronic liver failure in Japan Hepatology Research | |
Mochida, S., Nakayama, N., Ido, A., Inoue, K., Genda, T., Takikawa, Y., Sakaida, I., Terai, S., Yokosuka, O., Shimizu, M., Takikawa, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
A multicenter pilot survey to clarify the clinical features of patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure in Japan Hepatology Research | |
Nakayama, N., Uemura, H., Uchida, Y., Tomiya, T., Ido, A., Inoue, K., Genda, T., Takikawa, Y., Sakaida, I., Terai, S., Yokosuka, O., Shimizu, M., Takikawa, H., Mochida, S.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Long-term Functioning of Allogeneic Islets in Subcutaneous Tissue Pretreated with a Novel Cyclic Peptide Without Immunosuppressive Medication Transplantation | |
Kuwabara, R., Hamaguchi, M., Fukuda, T., Sakai, H., Inui, M., Sakaguchi, S., Iwata, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03 |
Influencing factors in quantitative measurement using activated platelet levels and platelet-activating capacity for the assessment of thrombosis in pre-metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus Nursing and Health Sciences | |
Okano, K., Shitamoto, K., Araki, M., Kawamoto, C., Kawano, R., Nogaki, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.01.01 |
Three Cases of Obstructive Left-Sided Colon Cancer Resected by Laparoscopic Surgery Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy | |
Yamada, K., Suzuki, N., Tomochika, S., Tanaka, H., Tokumitsu, Y., Kanekiyo, S., Tokuhisa, Y., Iida, M., Sakamoto, K., Takeda, S., Yamamoto, S., Yoshino, S., Hazama, S., Ueno, T., Nagano, H.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Infliximab for the Treatment of Refractory Kawasaki Disease: A Nationwide Survey in Japan Journal of Pediatrics | |
Masuda, H., Kobayashi, T., Hachiya, A., Nakashima, Y., Shimizu, H., Nozawa, T., Ogihara, Y., Ito, S., Takatsuki, S., Katsumata, N., Suzuki, Y., Takenaka, S., Hirono, K., Kobayashi, T., Suzuki, H., Suganuma, E., Takahashi, K., Saji, T., Matsuzaki, S., Yamazaki, S., Ikeda, K., Hara, T., Kanetaka, T., Kizawa, T., Kikuchi, M., Hara, R., Fujii, K., Takahashi, M., Sonoda, K., Yoshihashi, T., Imagawa, T., Yamazaki, K., Ebato, T., Oana, S., Murase, A., Sakaki, S., Fujimoto, T., Saito, Y., Shirai, R., Takeuchi, I., Naoi, K., Kenmotsu, Y., Goto, C., Kise, H., Okada, S., Kishimoto, S., Oba, U., Ozawa, S., Seki, M., Odagiri, T., Shiono, J., Nagumo, K., Kimura, M., Yoshibayashi, M., Horita, N., Tsuboi, T., Matsubara, T., Hara, S., Ishii, T., Hosokawa, S., Kishi, T., Fukazawa, R., Ogawa, S., Ohshima, M., Fukunaga, H., Kouzan, H., Ichihara, T., Hashimoto, K., Tokunaga, H., Suzuki, H., Iwashima, S., Hamahira, K., Ishiguchi, Y., Kajino, M., Kishi, K., Nagai, N., Ito, S., Ogino, H., Amaya, E., Doi, H., Waki, K., Shiraishi, T., Iwai, T., Sato, T., Akimoto, K., Soga, T., Naito, H., Aihara, M., Fukuda, Y., Imagawa, K., Shiba, T., Matsuki, S., Miura, M., Araki, T., Furuyama, H., Naito, T., Miyamoto, T.(医学系研究科) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2017 |
当科における薬剤関連顎骨壊死に関する臨床検討 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 | |
坪井 長裕,内田 堅一郎,藤井 貴寛,竹縄 隆徳,宮本 寿太郎,上山 吉哉(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.02 |
Laparoscopic low anterior resection for rectal cancer after Whitehead's hemorrhoidectomy: A case report Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery | |
Y. Takemoto, E. Harada, Y. Takeuchi, D. Kawamura, Y. Suehiro, N. Kugimiya and K. Hamano(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Identification of Anatomical Risk Factors for Type II Endoleak to Guide Selective Inferior Mesenteric Artery Embolization Annals of Vascular Surgery | |
M. Samura, N. Morikage, T. Mizoguchi, Y. Takeuchi, K. Ueda, T. Harada, O. Yamashita, K. Suehiro and K. Hamano(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.21 |
Estimation of patient-specific imaging dose for real-time tumour monitoring in lung patients during respiratory-gated radiotherapy Physics in Medicine and Biology | |
T. Shiinoki, R. Onizuka, D. Kawahara, T. Suzuki, Y. Yuasa, K. Fujimoto, T. Uehara, H. Hanazawa and K. Shibuya(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Multicenter, phase II clinical trial of peptide vaccination with oral chemotherapy following curative resection for stage III colorectal cancer Oncology Letters | |
J. Kawamura, F. Sugiura, Y. Sukegawa, Y. Yoshioka, J. I. Hida, S. Hazama and K. Okuno(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
Finite element analysis of compression fractures at the thoracolumbar junction using models constructed from medical images Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine | |
D. Nakashima, T. Kanchiku, N. Nishida, S. Ito, J. Ohgi, H. Suzuki, Y. Imajo, M. Funaba, X. Chen and T. Taguchi(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
A new prognostic model for hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after curative hepatectomy Oncology Letters | |
Y. Tokumitsu, K. Sakamoto, Y. Tokuhisa, H. Matsui, S. Matsukuma, Y. Maeda, K. Sakata, H. Wada, H. Eguchi, H. Ogihara, Y. Fujita, Y. Hamamoto, N. Iizuka, T. Ueno and H. Nagano(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
is a promising prognostic biomarker in patients with colorectal cancer Oncology Letters | |
M. Nishioka, Y. Suehiro, K. Sakai, T. Matsumoto, N. Okayama, H. Mizuno, K. Ueno, N. Suzuki, S. Hashimoto, T. Takami, S. Hazama, H. Nagano, I. Sakaida and T. Yamasaki(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.02 |
Application of the l-dex score for the assessment of bilateral leg edema Lymphatic Research and Biology | |
Suehiro, K., Morikage, N., Harada, T., Samura, M., Takeuchi, Y., Mizoguchi, T., Nakamura, K., Hamano, K.(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.04 |
TROY is a promising prognostic biomarker in patients with colorectal cancer Oncology Letters | |
Nishioka, M., Suehiro, Y., Sakai, K., Matsumoto, T., Okayama, N., Mizuno, H., Ueno, K., Suzuki, N., Hashimoto, S., Takami, T., Hazama, S., Nagano, H., Sakaida, I., Yamasaki, T.(医学部) |
UP DATE:2018-3-28 | 論文出版・発表日:2018.03.01 |
Identification of secretome of MRC-5 fibroblast cell line using two-dimensional electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry Current Proteomics | |
Mojtahedi, Z., Nakamura, K., Kuramitsu, Y., Ghaderi, A., Sarvari, J.(医学部) |